How many visitors do you think we have calling us here at the Klamath County Chamber of Commerce every day? Let me tell you, the number is more than the size of a Hobbit’s bread basket. In fact, our top two viewed businesses this month on were hotels. But I’m getting ahead of myself here. Let’s start with Reason Number 1 why hotels should be Chamber Members.

Exposure. Have you recently opened your hotel? Remodeled it? Changed locations? Expanded? How will you expect anyone to find you without a little help from your friends at the Chamber? True, your business can be listed on various websites across the Shire and into Mordor, but I’m guessing you don’t have to be a wizard or wise elf to know that the Chamber can help your business get some great exposure. Much like a Hobbit on the front porch after second breakfast*, customers want a nice place to relax and digest whether they are here for business or pleasure. The Chamber can help tailor their referrals to the specific wishes of a caller or visitor. And if you’re the only place in town that offers second breakfast, a MUST HAVE on the list of any self-respecting Hobbit, guess where all the Hobbits will be staying? (*which I think would attract many customers, don’t you?)

Reach. Remember when I mentioned our top two viewed businesses this month were hotels? It’s time to bring that up again. Was one of those hotels your business? The only way for us to refer you is if you are a Chamber member. It’s not that we don’t like those other hotels; it’s just that Chamber members have top priority. We only market our members to the public because, darnit, they’ve earned it.

The Collab. (I wanted to name this one Collaboration Station but I didn’t have enough room. I cried a little) Collaboration among other like-minded hostelry owners? YES PLEASE! What if you attended one of the Klamath Chamber’s awesome Greeters networking meetings and found another hotel owner who had a great idea to market hotel services specifically to a particular type of guest; let’s say, those high and mighty Mirkwood Elves. You know the ones; always needing numerous extra towels and who never say “Good morrow” when you see them at the continental breakfast buffet. You could then get an idea to market to their counterparts; let’s say, a group of merry Hobbits. Who always say “please”, and who never take more than their fair share of soaps and lotions. The point is, by having that conversation at a networking opportunity, hosted by the Chamber, you can come up with some great ideas to help move your business forward.  (A word to the wise: no one should ever try to attract the business of an Orc. They always bring their Wargs with them. Just sayin.)

Growth. This is pretty self-explanatory. The more Hobbits you attract to your hotel, the more your stash of gold will begin to rival that of any dragon. That’s where the Klamath County Chamber can help you out yet again. We are the social marketing wizards who can help you get the word out about your second breakfast menu. Or whatever you are offering. Newsletters, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, blogging, YouTube…we have it all. And we can show you how to have it all, too.

The Value. There is so much value to being a Chamber member. You will have opportunities that can grow taller and broader than any Hobbit ever dreamed of. Think about how many events the Chamber hosts (four every year), and how many events the city hosts (too many for me to count), and how many events (fairs, etc.) happen in outlying communities…you don’t want to miss your piece of the elevensies pie.

Okay, so maybe you’re not a Hobbit fan. These are still compelling reasons to join the Klamath County Chamber of Commerce. Call or click today to find out how you can be a part of our journey!