Chamber Press Releases

Klamath County Chamber of Commerce Endorses City Schools Bond Measure

Following an electronic survey to the Chamber membership that indicated strong support, the Klamath County Chamber of Commerce General Board has voted to publically endorse the Klamath Falls City School District bond measure 18-99.  The measure will provide local funding for improvements to buildings and infrastructure in the City school district. The bond will raise $36 million, the bulk of which will be used to remodel and upgrade Klamath Union High School.

Over 20% of the Chamber membership responded to the survey and about 2/3’s of the respondents supported the bond and the Chamber taking a public position of endorsement.  Survey respondents touched on the need to improve school buildings as part of economically moving the community forward, providing upgraded educational opportunities for our children, and finding ways to stabilize local property values. Improved schools meet all of these needs.

Chamber Board President Bridgitte Griffin said, “Good schools are an integral part of any community that wishes to grow and prosper.  One of our organizational goals is to help provide economic stability and growth for our members, excellent educational spaces and community vitality lead to those things.”

“As an active member of TEAM Klamath, the Chamber has been involved in a variety of economic development discussions, planning sessions, and advocacy initiatives focused on improving the economic vitality of Klamath County,” said Charles Massie, Chamber Executive Director.  “In those public discussions the need for improved schools, specifically buildings, broader educational and vocational opportunities, and upgraded community infrastructure were all highlighted as a means of kick starting the local economic engine.”

For more information and details about Measure 18-99 please contact the Klamath Falls School District at 541-883-4700.