If you are a business that provides material goods to customers, you need to have a plan for disbursing those goods. Most of these are stores where customers enter and purchase their items, but a growing number of businesses are either partially, or entirely online. Businesses that have, in the past, been entirely physical places are now starting websites to reach more customers in a larger geographical area.

When a business expands in this way, it is important to decide how these items will be distributed. What shipping company will be used? How much will you charge the customer for shipping? Some businesses charge all customers one flat rate for shipping, and others offer free shipping. It is also a good idea to decide in advance how you will handle overseas orders. Whether you will ship overseas or not should be noted on your website.

Special offers should also be noted on your website, if you have one. People love a good deal. If you’re trying to increase your customer base, one of the best ways to get new customers in the door is by offering discounts, free trials, package deals, money back guarantees, or free items. Oftentimes, specials such as these draw new potential customers, as well as bring back customers you haven’t seen for a while. Be careful not to train your clients that if they wait long enough, there will be a special offer. Try to plan any special deals around times that your business usually slows down.