It’s cold and drizzly today, this Monday afternoon as I sit working away at my keyboard. I have plenty to do, I’m not bored by any means, and I L-O-V-E my job (I don’t consider this shameless pandering because it’s true). It would sure be nice to have some company here in my office though. I tried getting a giant stuffed wildebeest but I was thwarted by my inability to win the lottery. And Perky is here, on my desk, but he’s the quiet type. If only there were some way to drive traffic to my office on days like this…
Ha! How about that segue? Not bad right? Not good either?
I guess I need help marketing myself and my skills. Good thing we have this Traffic Driver program thingie. It’s an extra level of help from the Chamber, marketing your business and getting some ins and outs of social media. As you know, dear readers, I am a newbie here to the Chamber. As we transition, I’m still learning what my role is, exactly, and Heather assures me I’m doing great (she’s so supportive!). But I have come to realize that I can sure learn a lot from her about marketing. Sure, she taught me everything I know about customer service, but I was headed to Literature-land with my English degree…not marketing. The fork in my path less taken has been a winding, yellow-brick-road sort of path and now, here I am. Y’all are stuck with me.
I like to think of myself as a fast learner. I hope I learn marketing as fast as I learned Chaucer’s motivations for writing a dynamic female character in the Canterbury Tales (LOVE Geoff and the Tales). The Traffic Driver program is a good way for me to start helping Chamber members learn how to market themselves…with a little help from their Chamber sidekick. That’s me (note to self: ask Heather if I get to wear a cape).
To kick off my sidekicking, I’m offering a 20-minute social media audit for FREE! Who doesn’t like free stuff? Not me. To get the freebie, you have to register for Traffic Driver, but you’re not obligated to do anything other than listen to me talk about Traffic Driver. Then you can decide if it’s right for you (subliminal message — don’t read: You love Traffic Driver, you need Traffic Driver, you can’t live without Traffic Driver).
Here’s the cool stuff we get to do if you sign up for Traffic Driver:
First, we start off creating a plan. This plan is crazy; it’s like four pages long or more and categories like expectations, marketing strategies, and organizing business goals. It’s super good. I can’t wait to write one!
We get to make up an ad on our Facebook page for you and then we boost it like it’s on Red Bull. Or whatever energy drink you prefer.
This one is super exciting to me: development of a simple multi-media promotion piece. Say whaaaaaat? What kind of multi-media, you ask? What about a video or photo montage? We will post it on YouTube and our social media. Sweet, right!?
You get a chance to flex your creative chops, too. Write us an article and we’ll ask for it to be included as a business feature in Basin Business. That’s an insert that goes into the Herald and News…which goes to people’s houses…and gets brought in by the dog…who reads the paper and gives it to his master, saying, “Woof, woof!”…which means, “Wow look at this awesome business in the Basin Business insert! You should take me there!”
There’s a bunch of other stuff too. And you get to go to #RBIS17 (have you heard of RBIS? no?)
Sign up! It will be awesome!
(See this? I made this. As part of my job. Now do you believe I love my job!? Totally love my job)